LaRhonda Finds Independence

LaRhonda Finds Independence -Using technology to remove limitations 

At Progress, our goal is to support people to live as independently as possible so that they may direct their own lives, regardless of limitations. In recent years, technology has entered the conversation nationwide as way to compliment already existing staff support and increase independence where applicable. Tools available for in-home use and beyond continue to grow at a rapid rate, and they offer solutions to a wide range of common challenges that often limit independence. 

LaRhonda has received services from Progress for many years, and lives happily with a roommate and live-in Companion, Shirley, in their own apartment. Progress supports LaRhonda so that she can make her own decisions about her life. She enjoys employment in the food service industry with occasional staff support. She partakes in many social connections and arts activities through Progress programs, connecting deeply with the community around her. She enjoys exploring new areas, culture and cuisine on trips with Companion Shirley, a Progress employee. 

LaRhonda proudly lives her life as independently as possible.  She gets herself ready each morning, she walks her dog on her own and makes her own breakfast. Most things she can do on her own entirely, or with just a little additional guidance from staff. However, she has always depended on staff to properly take her medications. Taking medicine can be confusing for any of us - remembering to take it on time or not miss a dose is a challenge for anyone. With so much room for error, staff have always been the ones to manage her medication administration. 

Recent technological advancement has given the process back to LaRhonda. Spencer, a medication dispensing machine, is the "world’s first and only easy-to-use, in-home patient support platform" that dispenses her medication on time, automatically, with alerts and reminders so that she can have more control over managing her own health. Each morning now, LaRhonda wakes up, gets ready, walks the dog, has breakfast, takes her medicine and watches the news all with minimal involvement from Companion Shirley. It has equipped her to feel more independent, without having to go to staff for something she can now manage herself.  "I'm proud that I can do it on my own," she shared. Through enabling technology, LaRhonda has gained more confidence and greater control over her own day-to-day experience and life. Progress is pleased to make independence a reality for so many, and we are grateful for your support in bringing expanding horizons to the people we support. 

LaRhonda and Companion Shirley

LaRhonda and Companion Shirley


See LaRhonda's independent morning routine, from walking the dog to using Spencer.